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Bio Motor Control Unit

The Biofeedback upgrade for dynamic sequence training devices


From a sequence to a CTT training device

The integration of the BIO MOTOR CONTROL UNIT into a sequence training device creates a computer-supported test and training system (CTT), comparable to isokinetic devices.

  • Biofeedback upgrade for dynamic devices – BIO MOTOR CONTROL Unit
  • Installation on nearly every sequence training device
  • Isometric maximum strength test and Biofeedback training
  • Determination of the optimum training intensity without risking an overload of injured areas
  • Training of the coordinative control through following template curves
  • Determination of the range of motion and control of the movement speed
  • Avoidance of over-acceleration
  • Right-left comparisons in different angular positions
  • Determination of fitness level and coordination aims
  • Monitoring of progress and documentation of results
  • Networking and storage of data for an efficient execution of tests and training


Power supply: provided power plug 100-240 V AC / 50-60 Hz 0.5 A
Electrical safety: Protection Class II
Computer interface: Serial interface: 38.400 Baud, 8N1