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CTT Balance Platform ATLAS
The combination of balance platform and knee bend ergometer
Healthy balance
Coordinative abilities are essential conditions for the general performance of the body. An unequal distribution of the body’s weight onto the legs can lead to postural deformity and increased wear of joints. A good posture, however, can be trained.
Coordination and correction: CTT Balance Platform ATLAS with BioMC Software
- Determination of the distribution of the body weight onto the legs
- Early detection of the causes of potential future postural deformities and of increased wear of the joints (knee, hip and spine) becomes possible
- Execution of a balance test, which allows to determine the performance of the concerned sensomotor function by comparing the calculated and actual center of gravity of the body (further tests possible, e. g. Romberg Test)
- Execution of different training programmes: Training to equally distribute the body weight onto both legs in the standing position; conscious control of the center of gravity of the body; strength endurance-biofeedback training of the sensomotor function of foot, knee and hips (knee bend ergometer)
- Networking of the device and storage of data for an efficient execution of tests and training
- Training device
Power supply: | provided power plug, Input: 100-240 V AC / 50-60 Hz Output: 9 V 800 mA DC |
Electrical safety: | Protection class II |
Dimensions (W/D/H): | 55 cm / 55 cm / 6.5 cm |
Weight: | 13.5 kg |
Maximum weight of patient: | 150 kg |
Atlas- Product information ATLAS [488.23 KB]
- BfMC Company Presentation [4.55 MB]
- Biomechanical Lab [557.64 KB]
- TeamViewer [479.40 KB]